With the invention and now wide spread prolifiration of computers in American households, is it or will it be possible to relieve our corrupt legislative systems of some of their responsibility with voting online by computer? Seeing how this country is being taken in a direction that the vast majority disapprove of, I believe this may be a way to regain the democratic spirit our forefathers envisioned. Most of the processes they implyed (representatives) were due to the vast distances between settlers and the inability to fully include everyone.
Would it be possible, with computers in most homes, to have a ''true'' democratic process?malware
Though the idea of government by plebiscite or referendum seems good, and an ideal form of democracy, I must wonder if we are ready for it.
While we may be close on the technological front (though the poor are far behind the middle class and rich) I don't know if we can handle tough policy decisions in such an egalitarian manner.
Look at how many poorly thought out questions and answers appear on a site like this. Look how much hatred, partisanship and knee jerk thinking is behind many of the postings.
Would these people think more soberly if they were actually casting a vote?
Governance of modern, complex societies require a lot of complex policy decisions. Though many people have the intelligence and education to understand these complexities, they do not have the time to acquire that depth of comprehension for each issue. They are busy being engineers, lawyers, technicians or whatever else they spend their time earning money at. This is the reason for a professional class of politician, who deepen their understanding of complex issues in order to make informed decisions about them.
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