Sunday, August 15, 2010

Software to view detials of computers on my network?

im looking for a bit of software or more which i can use to view detialed information about a computer on my network.. I am also looking for a bit of software which i can view the desktops of my network computers without installing a client, but if a client is required for installing then a network deploying feature would be helpful - so i can deploy the client file easly.

Software to view detials of computers on my network?pc security

Spiceworks is free and quite good if you want to view the status and config of all the devices on your network (it gives a brief overview of the status and config of each device), if you are talking about a specific computer in your network then Belarc advisor is good it gives you every scrap of info available on that computer. As for the desktop viewing part i dont know of any off hand that can be deployed over a network. You could download realVNC and get end users to download and install the client, its really easy to setup (less than two minutes) and is good.

Software to view detials of computers on my network?symantic

this program will email you a report daily
BelArc for free, at

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