Sunday, August 15, 2010

Help me COmputers?

you have two computers, a prineter, and a scanner that you want to newwork list the hardware and software you would need to purchase including cost, how will you connect to the internet, and how much will that cost? list your total cost for the project. (its for a school project)

Help me COmputers?norton ghost need to get into a spelling class first!

research what is available in your area for internet. Every place is different. If you are in the USA get on your local cable company's website to get the prices. Then make a list of equipment and go on or and start pricing things. Not going to give you the list of equipment, because you have to do you own homework

Help me COmputers?software

For Two Computers you only need a X-Over Cable.

If it is more that two then you need a hub or switch..

Printer you can share between the computers.

Best to use WIndows XP as Operating System but keep in mind you meet the minimumhardware configuration.

Cost may vary. In India if we nned to network 2 computers it costs only 50 BUCKS i.2 1$.

Internet you can share by the default feature of Windows XP ( ICS - Internet COnnection Sharing)

Feel free to contact for any technical help.

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