Sunday, August 15, 2010

Although many computers can display the pictures on my site, some cannot. I use Easy Upload.?

After I have uploaded the pictures, I overwrite the HTML link so that it links with the URL of the uploaded image. For example, whereas the uploaded link might refer to 'image002', I delete that and put a link in to the exact URL of the picture. This seems to work with most computers (including my own!) but some say it either does not display the picture or is very slow to load.

Although many computers can display the pictures on my site, some cannot. I use Easy Upload.?norton internet security

your HTML code may not be being processed correctly by their browser. Insure your using current up to date HTML scripting conventions.

their ISP may be a slow dial up service

their ISP may limit the size of photo that is allowed to be downloaded.

Good luck

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